Due to the influenza pandemic, more board meetings are held online. Remote work is likely to be a permanent change in how board members are expected to work. It is therefore crucial to ensure that your meetings are productive and engaging. This article will present easy steps you can adopt to enhance your virtual meetings.
Establish clear goals for each agenda item. This will ensure that you don't end up wasting time in unnecessarily continuing discussions and make sure that all attendees feel their input is valued. It's also important to clearly define whether a discussion is intended to gather information, generate discussion, or lead to a decision to ensure that your group isn't wasting time discussing the same issue when it's been dealt with.
Encourage board members to test their Wi-Fi connections and audio/video equipment prior to when the meeting starts to ensure that the meeting will begin with a smooth start. It's also a good idea to encourage attendees to keep their voices down when they're not talking to cut down on background noise and prevent distractions.
Make it easy for your board members to access minutes of meetings after every meeting by publishing them on your portal and sending a link through email. This will keep everyone on the right track between meetings and boost accountability. A dedicated software for managing board meetings like Boardable can also assist in organizing and store all your board documents all in one place.